Developer Forums

What is domain name?

Domain name also called an Internet address or name, a domain is the location of a website. For example, the domain name is “” points to the IP address “” (this is ip address not fixed, this is changeable). Generally, it’s easier to remember a name rather than a long IP address. A domain name […]

Developer Forums

Store Form data in CSV Excel File by using PHP

In this way we can directly save data in csv file format in hosting folder with the help of PHP environment and that csv file easily access by MS Excel, LibreOffice and any other spreadsheet programs. Every data save in new row in selected excel file. Source Code

Developer Forums

How to get visitors country from their IP in PHP ?

In this way we can get visitors information from IP like (Latitude, Longitude, Continent Name, Country Name, City Name, Currency Symbol, Currency Code, Time zone). Source Code

Developer Forums

PHP mail with attachment

Introduction Mail function is a php global function. mail() use to send emails quickly and easily. PHP mail with attachment

Developer Forums

Media Queries on CSS: How to target desktop, tablet, and mobile?

Targeting media features Targeting media types Media types describe the main types of devices. Web designers are using these queries to write separate styles to create that target special devices such as printers different types of screens.

Developer Forums

Encryption and decryption in PHP

Encryption and decryption in PHP This is function is tested for high-security level coding in a very long time. Our we share our encrydecry function for helping your developers to create a 100% secure coding environment. For encryption some value For decryption some encrypted value

Developer Forums

PHP MySQLi Prepared Statement

In this article we want to help developers to learn and improve there skills in php & Also Securely access mysql database and query.

Developer Forums

How to use PHP htaccess file

Just create a file with .htaccess file in your website folder. For Redirect website to RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www. [NC]RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] For Redirect website to RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] When you have to redirect the website non HTTP to HTTPS protocol after installing an SSL certificate […]